Kindergarten classes are getting ready for our biggest event of the year. We are fast approaching our Pow Wow. Each Kindergarten class (there are six) is representing a Native American tribe from various regions of the United States. Our tribe is the Lenape which means "Original People." The Lenape are from New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. They were a peaceful tribe that helped early settlers learn how to hunt and fish in the new world. Students will learn how the Lenape children lived, what they ate, and what their homes were like. As they learn more about our tribe, they will see that they were not much different than we are today.
One of the ways we prepare for our Pow Wow is to integrate homework with what we are doing in class. The book, "Knots on a Counting Rope" will be read a few times this week. As the story goes... a Native American boy requests his favorite story from his grandfather --- the story of the special night when the boy came into the world. Though he was born blind, the boy has learned from his grandfather many ways to see without needing his eyes. Each time Grandfather tells the boy's tale, he adds another knot to the counting rope. Once the rope is full, the boy will know the wonderful story by heart, able to tell it himself.
For homework, a piece of twine will be sent home and each time a story is told, another knot will be tied in the rope. Each time the child is told a story, hears a story read to him/her, or reads a story, a knot will be tied. Children will love hearing stories about their childhood and about other family members.
Our Pow Wow is on Friday, November 20th. We can't wait to share our many activities leading up to this wonderful day during the next few weeks!! Please let us know if you have any questions.