Friday, December 25, 2015

Holiday Brunch

Thank you so much for helping to make our holiday brunch a huge success! Our little ones absolutely loved the beautiful brunch and were so appreciative that you took time out of your day to help them.   

Thank you Mrs. Epstein for decorating the outside of our classroom. It was such a beautiful winter wonderland!

Polar Express Field Trip

Thank you so much to Mrs. Garcia, Mr. Lynch, and Mrs. Matthews for volunteering to chaperone on our field trip to see The Polar Express. We loved wearing our pajamas and receiving our bells on the way back to school. We hope your little one had a wonderful time with us!

Sunday, November 8, 2015


We are Super Readers!

His Super Reading Power is POINTER POWER!

This week in Readers' Workshop, our class celebrated how far they have come in our unit by making super hero masks! 

We have been working on all their newly gained super reading powers:

  • Pointer Power
  • Reread Power
  • Picture Power
  • Sound Power
  • Persistence Power
  • Snap Word Power
  • Partner Power
The students had labels on them to tell the world which super reading power helped them the most! 

We then let them read their books and encouraged them to use all their super reading powers they have learned so far! 


Pow Wow Homework

Kindergarten classes are getting ready for our biggest event of the year. We are fast approaching our Pow Wow. Each Kindergarten class (there are six) is representing a Native American tribe from various regions of the United States. Our tribe is the Lenape which means "Original People." The Lenape are from New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. They were a peaceful tribe that helped early settlers learn how to hunt and fish in the new world. Students will learn how the Lenape children lived, what they ate, and what their homes were like. As they learn more about our tribe, they will see that they were not much different than we are today. 

One of the ways we prepare for our Pow Wow is to integrate homework with what we are doing in class. The book, "Knots on a Counting Rope" will be read a few times this week. As the story goes... a Native American boy requests his favorite story from his grandfather --- the story of the special night when the boy came into the world. Though he was born blind, the boy has learned from his grandfather many ways to see without needing his eyes. Each time Grandfather tells the boy's tale, he adds another knot to the counting rope. Once the rope is full, the boy will know the wonderful story by heart, able to tell it himself.

For homework, a piece of twine will be sent home and each time a story is told, another knot will be tied in the rope. Each time the child is told a story, hears a story read to him/her, or reads a story, a knot will be tied. Children will love hearing stories about their childhood and about other family members.

Our Pow Wow is on Friday, November 20th. We can't wait to share our many activities leading up to this wonderful day during the next few weeks!! Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Farm Field Trip

Today went by way too fast but we had a blast on our first field trip. Miss Wenzel and I are very proud of how well our little ones followed the rules on the farm. Thank you so much to our amazing chaperones! Mrs. Gable, Mr. Hall, Mrs. Epstein, Mrs. Kim, Mrs. Bilgili, Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Fralicker, and Mrs. Beltran we truly appreciate your help.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Module 2-Math Workshop

In Module 2, students will look at various flat shapes and describe the attributes of the shape. We had so much fun on Monday exploring Geo Boards. Students practiced making different triangles and were able to describe their triangles using our new math vocabulary words. We can't wait to explore more shapes this week!
  • In lesson 1, students looked at objects and determined which shape looks like it. For example, a clock looks like a circle. We went on a shape hunt and drew pictures of our "treasures." We also sorted our shapes based on if they have a curve or if they do not have a curve.
  • In Lesson 2, students learned that a triangle is a flat figure enclosed by three sides. We explored different types of triangles and were able to find them on a sheet of mixed up shapes.
    Example: Find the triangles and color them yellow. Put an X on shapes that are not triangles.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Pow Wow Supplies

Don't forget to send in your child's Pow Wow supplies by October 26th! Once we receive your child's supplies, we can begin making their outfit for Pow Wow. Thank you! Please let us know if you have any questions.

Pumpkin Exploration

We had a blast exploring our pumpkin today. Students had to guess if our pumpkin would sink or float, count the seeds inside of the pumpkin, and decide if our pumpkin was small, medium, or large. Make sure to check their folders to find our pumpkin exploration answer sheet.

Enjoy some pictures of our little ones helping us take all of the seeds out of the pumpkin. :)

Literary Parade

We had so much fun dressing up as our favorite characters today! The whole school cheered us on as we walked through the hallways. We have the most adorable class ever!

 Sarah Squared just had to be Pete the Cat Squared!!
 Love these characters!
Silly faces before the parade

Monday, September 28, 2015

Five Senses Taste Party

 Today, we had a five senses taste party in Science Workshop. Students were able to taste many sweet, salty, and sour foods. After we tasted an item, we recorded our data. When all items were tasted and recorded, we picked our favorite! Can you guess the items our scientists liked the most? You can have a taste party at home with your little one too. Have fun exploring!

Tasting and recording data

This friend recorded that an apple (APAL) was sour, a doughnut (DONOT) was sweet, and a pretzel (PRITSR) was salty. Way to go scientist!

 We absolutely love their "sour" faces. How cute!
 Tricky green apples were not sweet like our scientists thought they would be. 

This pickle was super sour!