Today went by way too fast! We went on a tour of the school using the book, David Goes to
School by David Shannon. It's about a little boy who breaks all of the
rules in school. We looked everywhere for David!! We looked in the
classroom, media center, office, playground, and art room. We finally
found him sitting in our classroom. As we looked for
David, we discussed what the rules are in all of these places at our
school. Ask your little one a rule that they learned today and leave a
comment. Enjoy the pictures!!
We love exploring math manipulatives!
How cute is our class? Today, we learned how to walk in line using a hip and lip or hug and bubble.
We went outside and talked about the rules of the playground. We only stayed outside for 10 minutes because it was very hot.
**Remember when you leave a comment you are more than welcome to leave a child's initials. Please do not write their full name. This is for security reasons. Thank you!
Thank you for a fantastic first day!The stories of the day got better and better and we laughed loud and hard.He said that he is going to love school for sure.