Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Star Names

 “Star Names” is the name of the program that we use to introduce the letters and sounds in kindergarten at Chets Creek.

 Our Star Name routine:
1. Say their name.
2. Cheer their name.
3. Count the letters in his/her name.
4. Clap out their name.
5. Put together the pieces of his/her name.
6. The star student is interviewed by his/her classmates. What is your favorite book? Do you have any brothers or sisters? What is your favorite activity?
7. We try to think of words that begin with the same sound of the star student's name.
8. We share what we learned about his/her name.

           After the Star Name student is interviewed, every student draws a picture of him/her. The student gets to take all of these drawings home as a gift.

Make sure to ask your child all about the Star Name student.

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